Return Policy

Our customer service specialist will assist you with any issues you're having and would like to help please reach out to a customer care member for assistance with a recent order

We do NOT accept returned or refused deliveries. In some cases, we may be able to offer a credit towards a future purchase. Shipping and delivery fees will not be included.

All sales are final. Exception to this policy are made if the product has spoiled during transit.

Dalays due to shipping will not be refunded. Keep in mind order processing time, high demand holidays/ periods as well as delivery dates. TGI cocktail night and retailers are not responsible for products shipped to an inccorect address due to customer error. Please double check all orders/ order forms before making initial purchase.

TGI Cocktail Night and its retailers will not issue refunds or credits In the case of loss, damage, perishable, or stolen orders. TGI Cocktail Night and retailers are not responsible once shipping takes place.